If you are among the old versions users of Windows, Windows 7.8, or 8.1 ... and do not want to move to Windows 10 for some reason, this topic Sehmk a lot, especially after Microsoft's recent decision and the update your computer to Windows 10 automatically, and this decision is somewhat dictatorial, I wanted to share with you a way to stop and prevent Microsoft does not do this step.
Important for all users of older versions of Windows (Windows 7, Windows 8 ...)
First, I am among the users of Windows 8.1 and the explanation will be on this system, but be sure that the same steps apply to the rest of the other systems, and now let's learn about how to do this:

Directed towards computer information page through "Proprietés" to move directly to the order page:
Now click on the "Windows update" system updates, as in the picture above, then click on the "Modifié les paramètre" or "change settings" as your language:

To show you a new window you make sure that you are enabled automatically updates the property:

Change it to "Ne jamais rechercher des mises à jour" or "Never check for updates":

Now press the "Ok," and thus overcome the possibility of updating your system and move it to Windows 10 are compulsory.
Important for all users of older versions of Windows (Windows 7, Windows 8 ...)
First, I am among the users of Windows 8.1 and the explanation will be on this system, but be sure that the same steps apply to the rest of the other systems, and now let's learn about how to do this:
Directed towards computer information page through "Proprietés" to move directly to the order page:
Now click on the "Windows update" system updates, as in the picture above, then click on the "Modifié les paramètre" or "change settings" as your language:
To show you a new window you make sure that you are enabled automatically updates the property:
Change it to "Ne jamais rechercher des mises à jour" or "Never check for updates":
Now press the "Ok," and thus overcome the possibility of updating your system and move it to Windows 10 are compulsory.