
Delete all viruses from your computer permanently, proven methods and process 100%

Stki many computer users from some viruses that are difficult to delete them, which is required often threw a computer and install Windows again, this topic viruses can not be deleted by known protection metal KASPERSKY or AVAST programs, we will try, God willing, addressed to this subject and treatment without having to bother install Windows again and lost data.

حذف جميع الفيروسات من حاسوبك بصفة نهائية، طرق مجربة وعملية 100%

Before the technical side of the subject addressed, it is necessary definition of the quality of these viruses and how to penetrate computer; Fahda virus is not just a file or data but is often malicious software (MALWARE) or programs for publicity (ADWARE), this topic programs are not only limited to the installation but will proceed In a set of processes that may be up to spy on your computer without your knowledge, and that the adverse publicity programs is responsible for opening some of the pages frequently, in addition to part of the RAM consumption (RAM), the bulk of this topic operations challenged in secret without your knowledge, and therefore the probability of The presence of this type of virus in your computer not easy.

We will move now to how to get rid of these harmful programs, there are of course many ways and programs to help knead, but after a purely in-depth on the subject, I present to you the most important ways that will enable you to delete the fast and the content of the virus, as well as some tips to avoid them later.

Among the many programs in the field of protection and delete viruses that were able to test them, Hills most effective programs: Security Task Manager -AdwCleaner -Spybot Search and Destroy concluded a free program will try to explain the role of each of them and how to work on them as well as the integration of formal links for direct download.

Security Task Manager
Security Task Manager is working to provide information on programs and processes operating in the background of your computer, yes, it's the same role played by the Task Manager for Windows (Gestionnaire de taches), Laeken addition presents this program for each process, a set of additional information of others contained in the Task Manager :

The name and location (directory) for the file

Rate and the level of risk to the health system

The use of CPU rate (CPU)

Type of operation

Date and time of launch

Here you will find the official program for the download link: Download Here

As indicated above, each process are available on the rate shows the seriousness (Taux), the program employs four basic phrases to describe Hedda average: inoffensif -Semble inoffensif-Dangereux-Potentiellement dangereux
Each program is available on the rate of more than 60% or on the description Dangereux-Potentiellement dangereux, should be deleted by clicking on Supprimer X button, you can also do scans or Scan process by Virus Scan button and the program will scan all the data related to this process by protection programs the most advanced in this area, and thus make sure that the process was actually harmful or just a false positive reaction (False Positive).

Take, for process does not fill the SupTab Ad Injection shown in the picture above, which are in addition to the browser is responsible for opening the pages of publicity, and as shown in the following description the process is inevitably pose a threat to the system and on the device and therefore you should delete it.
We have deleted the relatively harmful programs on the computer, for I did this only works on the delete operations and not the effects of her keys Registry (Registry Subkeys) or change some of the data, so we will Bban through the program AdwCleaner which will delete all data and harmful keys on a computer.

Note: you should not rush to use the program AdwCleaner before deleting the malware operated in the background of the device by Security Task Manager, because these programs are responsible for the basic data and harmful keys and therefore this data will return to the computer again.

The AdwCleaner among the most prominent protection programs, thanks faced Simplified and effectiveness, managed during a short time to reap many computer users impressive, this program is characterized by rapid purely for viruses, it does not watch all the files, but only the most susceptible to damage, how you can use the program very easy , enough to download the file from the following link and you can proceed directly to the purely without installing.
According to the official website of the program, you can AdwCleaner to delete the following viruses:
Adwares: programs responsible for opening pages Presentations

Toolbar: Programs are installing bars (Barres d'outils) on your browser

Hijacker: programs that change the main page of the browser

In addition to delete Registry keys and harmful data and files bearing virus

To embark on a purely Press Scanner button, the program will offer existing viruses in the computer according to their quality, you can lose all the type of the unit can also be pressure on the Rapport button to open the report includes the results of the purely by the virus type, after Tvkdk of the results you can now click on Nettoyer button the program will delete all the data and malware, and then restart Windows to complete the process, after the operation, the program opens automatically the report to confirm the actual deletion of the virus.

NOTE: After you get rid of the virus, it is advisable to delete AdwCleaner from your computer by clicking on the button Désinstaller, because the program is not available on Ndham update and therefore every time you want to use the program in respect of the site, and this gets to the last Alasar.

As already mentioned, the program AdwCleaner not watch all the files, but only the most susceptible to the virus, a reversal of the program Spybot Search and Destroy, which scans or Scan whole computer, thus will require a purely longer.

Spybot Search and Destroy

Enables the free version of the program Spybot Search and Destroy to carry out a comprehensive Bban for viruses in all computer files, as well as some advantages that Snscherhaa later. You can download the program from here

The program is available on a range of ingredients, we will try to address the most important:

System scan: the basic unit that Balban for viruses.

File Scan: can choose specific files or data in order to avoid purely in all computer files.

Immunization: prevents malware from attacking your browser, which works by blocking access to sites known to contain malware or unwanted using the black list.

Quarantine: contains all the data that have been deleted by the program, you can get rid of them or restore them again.

Update: The program can be challenged to get the latest versions.

The first step after installing the software is to do the update through the Update button will take some time saluting is loaded samples of all the viruses that will be purely by computer, after the update process we are clicking on System scan to do Bban comprehensive in the computer or on the File Scan to choose some finishes data or files only. At the end of the program purely shows you all existing viruses in the computer, you can delete them by Fix Selected button.
Note: No problem to keep the program Spybot Search and Destroy after the completion of the purely practical, it does not hinder your protection program.

Important Tips
With the continuous increase of viruses, it is advisable for adopting some of the necessary precautions to avoid damaging your computer or operating Ndham:
Browse by some sites unknown, it is advisable to make sure of safety, there are many sites that enable it, for example Ndkr site sucuri.
One enough protection program is installed, and there are many programs is an impediment to pick up and delete the virus.
It is advisable to do Bban for viruses every two months by the program AdwCleaner
We have spent, God willing, on all existing viruses to your computer, which undoubtedly represents a major obstacle for computer users.

 I'll be happy to answer your questions and inquiries.

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