The torrent of the most important good sources to download movies, serials, software, music ... and all of this is free of charge. And in the Code of Professional it has been addressed in the previous range of services and programs aimed at assisting you in to download files such as films, for example, that you can see directly without downloading and so on. But what about the live experience using torrent; I mean watch TV channels and high quality?

Yes it can, using Acestream program that uses P2P protocol and displays the torrent on the Internet without downloading a file, but can be applied this technology to watch the live content (and accurately FULL HD in some channels).
To do this, we download the program from the following link (you can choose between two different versions with the possibility of a link or a direct download link torrent).
Once you download the software you install it and follow the usual steps When the installation options as they are .nturk

The next step is a necessary and important, and is that we install add your browser (and for the purpose of watching satellite directly from the latter), here I would advise using the Opera browser due to functioned smoothly with the program (will face problems with the Chrome browser because, according to an official decision by Google Fmtcefh Chrome from version 42 no longer supports plug-ins (Les plugins) NPAPI while Firefox suffers from some convulsions because the addition is still in its own version Bêta, so it's best to availability on the Opera browser from the start.
Hold the program, which will install the add-on Opera browser from this link (with a choice of Opera browser)
Then install the software Nmraly

This is the Acestream program icon in the task bar and on the desktop

Now the tiger experience:
For example, we go to the site (site is available in all languages thanks to Google Translate service)
And choose a channel by domain (movies, music, entertainment, sports ...)
For example, channel FOX life:

Note: When using the program for the first time you may be asked to indicate your age and gender (male or female, age) for the purposes of publicity, there is no need to be that real data, you can put any data.
Photos of the channel:

This is another site


The two sites contain many channels of Russian, English, German, Italian, Portuguese, French ... and many sports channels;), I leave you to discover for yourselves the chance (and of course there are other sites)
And those who want to watch the channel of the program directly instead of the browser can, only when you open the browser we channel by right-clicking within the channel window, then choose Share then Copy content ID
And open the program, pressing Ctrl + T or (Média then click on Open Ace Stream Content ID) and Nlsq content which is a channel ID then Nenker on Lire

very important! Is best seen from the Opera browser because the ID channels sometimes changes.
(As you can see the program similar to VLC, because the latter forms the core of the program with the addition of P2P property)
In addition to all these advantages can also use the program for other purposes, such as watching movies downloaded via torrent without ... etc., Programme Acestream reader not just for the files or operator of channels, it is a multimedia platform and has many uses.
Finally, everyone wants to ID can request a specific channel in the comments, and BASIS told his request as much as possible
And any question on the subject I pledge signal.
Until then I wish you an enjoyable Gap);
Connector software in the last edition:
Yes it can, using Acestream program that uses P2P protocol and displays the torrent on the Internet without downloading a file, but can be applied this technology to watch the live content (and accurately FULL HD in some channels).
To do this, we download the program from the following link (you can choose between two different versions with the possibility of a link or a direct download link torrent).
Once you download the software you install it and follow the usual steps When the installation options as they are .nturk
The next step is a necessary and important, and is that we install add your browser (and for the purpose of watching satellite directly from the latter), here I would advise using the Opera browser due to functioned smoothly with the program (will face problems with the Chrome browser because, according to an official decision by Google Fmtcefh Chrome from version 42 no longer supports plug-ins (Les plugins) NPAPI while Firefox suffers from some convulsions because the addition is still in its own version Bêta, so it's best to availability on the Opera browser from the start.
Hold the program, which will install the add-on Opera browser from this link (with a choice of Opera browser)
Then install the software Nmraly
This is the Acestream program icon in the task bar and on the desktop
Now the tiger experience:
For example, we go to the site (site is available in all languages thanks to Google Translate service)
And choose a channel by domain (movies, music, entertainment, sports ...)
For example, channel FOX life:
Note: When using the program for the first time you may be asked to indicate your age and gender (male or female, age) for the purposes of publicity, there is no need to be that real data, you can put any data.
Photos of the channel:
This is another site
The two sites contain many channels of Russian, English, German, Italian, Portuguese, French ... and many sports channels;), I leave you to discover for yourselves the chance (and of course there are other sites)
And those who want to watch the channel of the program directly instead of the browser can, only when you open the browser we channel by right-clicking within the channel window, then choose Share then Copy content ID
And open the program, pressing Ctrl + T or (Média then click on Open Ace Stream Content ID) and Nlsq content which is a channel ID then Nenker on Lire
very important! Is best seen from the Opera browser because the ID channels sometimes changes.
(As you can see the program similar to VLC, because the latter forms the core of the program with the addition of P2P property)
In addition to all these advantages can also use the program for other purposes, such as watching movies downloaded via torrent without ... etc., Programme Acestream reader not just for the files or operator of channels, it is a multimedia platform and has many uses.
Finally, everyone wants to ID can request a specific channel in the comments, and BASIS told his request as much as possible
And any question on the subject I pledge signal.
Until then I wish you an enjoyable Gap);
Connector software in the last edition: