
Z most dangerous hackers in history

The online world Sea Without Borders, its pros and cons, good and evil, hacker moral and hacker is moral, and ethical hacker who is doing legal breakthroughs provide benefit to the world, and the hacker is unethical to do so illegally and abusing people's privacy, that's the Topic of the day I will give you a group of hackers who Orabboa world.

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Gary McKinnon

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The Gary McKinnon in 2002 to attack US military forces and manipulate their computer screens, as well as for launching a series of attacks on US government and which cost 700 thousand dollars. And all this because of his belief that the government is hiding information about space aliens.

Jonathan James, nicknamed c0mrade

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Jonathan James is the first and then arrest him because of cybercrime, where he performs breakthroughs in various systems, starting from age 16, where he was able to access all of the space by NASA and the US Department of Defense, in addition to breaching the programs are expensive ($ 1.7 million ).
And Jonathan was the end of vague terms committed suicide in young age does not exceed 25 years of age.

 Albert Gonzalez

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Albert was able to steal ATM machine ATM and credit cards, as it was in Atjar credit cards dramatically and has made huge sums of money, to the point that when he was arrested and Joodwa in possession of 1.6 million. And then his sentence by 20 years in prison.

George Hotz

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Of hacker-rich from the definition. After breaking through the device to the iPhone, usually once again a huge breach last where he was able decoder PlayStation 3 blade thing that angered Sony Corp. and lifted him a citation.

Adrian Lamo, nicknamed The Homeless Hacker

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Adrian Hao hacker was able to penetrate the New York Time Network, Microsoft, Yahoo and more large companies, and was running out the bulk of its operations from the cafes and restaurants. And in 2002 he has added his name base York Time newspaper data thing that led him to prison for a year and three Ochehr.o simple sign Adrian now works for the US government Khakr immoral.

David Smith - David Smith

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Most distinguishing feature of the biography of David is launched to eliminate the virus e-mail, the thing that led to significant damage global Bserfrat.

Michael CALS nicknamed Mafia Boy

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The Michael Mahmoah to launch attacks on both Yahoo and Amazon, eBay and CNN. Where disrupting Yahoo for more than an hour of work. And in the fourth and then judged by 8 months and a fine, and use of the Internet is restricted.

Robert Morris nicknamed robert_tappan_morris

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Morris attacked more than 6,000 device thereby causing a loss of $ 15 million, and that was in 1988, to be captured and sentenced to be fined and provide social services. And the beauty of it is that it is now electricity and computer science engineer in one of the institutes.
If you see that the article lacks a big pirate Cano Arabs or foreigners,
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