
Did you know you addicted to the Internet or not

Hello Dear follow the best blog in the new theme and through which you'll learn whether you are addicted to Internet or not, in case you find yourself apply in you the qualities that will be mentioned I advise you to visit a psychiatrist or search for a cure because it will evolve and will lead to what may have dire consequences .

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Do you feel the tension and anger at the loss of Internet connection?
Alcan If the answer is yes you must be addicted, in my opinion, especially if it is limited to use of the Internet on social networking sites or just trivial things.

Are you thinking about whether the Internet is was in the place where you want to fly it?
Who does not like to travel, because it is the best way to entertain oneself, but if you think Is the Internet is the place where you want to fly to or not. Make sure that these are also signs of addiction.

Do you surf the phone whether the findings despite the lack of timbre?
Became smart phones as a friend of mankind, they are to be with him wherever he went, particularly after the supplied applications to communicate and chat, something that has led some to addiction, there are some people do not pass them five minutes to and be sure whether they received a message that even in the absence of ringing if you're among them, you know that you are addicted.

Do you feel when you hear ringing Baltotr low battery?
There are some people at them from reaching a notification of the phone indicates the approach of the battery runs, Ventabhm feeling anxious, Altotr, if I were you also feel so, you are addicted to your phone.

You are used to communicate with people who live with you in the same house applications?
We are in a time of lack of direct communication between people, there are those who do not speak with his family who lives with him in the same house, but by some applications, in this case, I regret to tell you if you are such things that you might have affected Vick technology passively and dangerous.

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