
After deletion application .. Adblock Fast returns to PlayStation Store

بعد الحذف .. تطبيق Adblock Fast يعود للبلاي ستور

After being applied "Adblock Fast" Samsung private company last week for deletion by Google on e-store "PlayStation Store" application again returned yesterday to a new arena.

And Sasong had been fired days of the new application before the brow of the ads "Adblock Fast", which sparked a lot of controversy, it seems that Google did not favor the idea, and the application is the result of a partnership between the South Korean company and Rocketship company and the application is running on the hardware system Android 5.0 over your browser, "Samsung Internet" and may bless number of downloads before deletion to more than 50,000 download, and Google justified its decision by the fact that the application violates the clearly signed distribution agreements by all developers before the publication of their applications on the Google Play Store.

Alttabbak become available on a new online store for Google's "PlayStation Store" As of yesterday, and this time has become identical with Android phones starting from version 4.0.

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