
The greatest puzzles and more exotic secrets in the online world that have not been resolved until now !!

As we all know the Internet is a global network linking east alienated world, and continues thanks to which millions of people every minute between them, but despite all this, the Internet is also where some of the secrets and puzzles that baffled everyone and could not be solved until now, or find her an answer. In this post I chose you the greatest puzzles and more exotic secrets in the online world.

 The greatest puzzles and more exotic secrets in the online world that has not been resolved to date

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Cicada 3301

Encryptions of the most complex in the history of the Internet, released from the mysterious and unknown organization which was published on three occasions a group of complex puzzles. The first puzzle was published online on January 5, 2012, and lasted for almost a month. The second round began later in exactly one year on January 5, 2013, a third group is still continuing after the confirmation of a new idea posted on Twitter on January 5, 2014. The stated purpose is to recruit and search for individuals with severe smarter by offering a series of puzzles which had to be resolved, puzzles largely focused on data security, encryption, and hide the information.

The Markovian Parallax Denigrate

The secret is the oldest prevalent on the Internet. It was his first appearance in 1996 in the group chat community proto-Web chat, which was famous at the time.
In 1996, according to the Usenet community Usenet annoying pop-up is a regular user publishes under the name The Markovian Parallax Denigrate. The letters and words, mostly made up of seemingly random words, numbering sometimes in the thousands in a single message!
Most of the explanations for this puzzle says that the method used to generate these messages sometimes is by Markov chain, a method of treatment used by some of the language analysis techniques in the field of natural language processing through artificial intelligence.


Bitcoin (Bitcoin) is an electronic currency encrypted can be compared to other currencies such as the dollar or the euro, but with several key differences, notably that this currency is fully electronic currency trading online only without the presence of her physicist. It also differs from traditional currencies that there is no central regulatory body behind it, but can be used like any other currency to buy online or even converted to traditional currencies. Puzzle in this Eulma he did not now know to be an innovative and inventor of the virtual currency that may be the currency of the future!


It is a group and organization involved under the banner of the so-called Hacktivism a reformer means the use of computers and networks Alantnernt to promote political ends, especially the freedom of expression, and human rights under the premise that the proper use of technology can produce similar results to those of conventional acts of protest, and activity, and civil disobedience. CyberBerkut group became known thanks to a series of cyber attacks that have received considerable media coverage; and especially denial of service attacks (DDoS) attacks on government and corporate sites. The most prominent was the implementation of a number of attacks on a NATO sites (NATO). This organization is not recognized by those who stand behind it and on any of its members to now.


Electronic eavesdropping stealth network (GhostNet) is the name given by researchers to monitor the information warfare and espionage-mail to the process discovered in March 2009 .GhostNet is the spy network over the Internet has been able to penetrate computers in more than one hundred countries, including the computers of foreign ministers and officials, and major organizations and offices Other government in a number of countries. Researchers in the "information war observer" Foundation confirmed that the network was able to penetrate more than 1295 computers in 103 Dol.aly Although the activity of this network based mostly in China, but there is no conclusive evidence that the Chinese government behind it! Stayed this Kghaz work has not been discovered yet.

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