
7 shocking image you do not want Apple, Samsung, Google, Amazon .. that you see!

Whatever you see the moon's light, but it has a dark side as well, so it is also the case in the field of Technology. TrackInside Inc, Vhsolk on your bracelet or a new intelligent, smart hour, Hacob..k.vhnak prefer things the manufacturers of these devices that you see or learn about .altlut and labor exploitation and discrimination on the basis of sex and other negatives caused by these giant companies such as Apple, Google, Amazon, Samsonj..la they want to show the world!
7 shocking image you do not want Apple, Samsung, Google, Amazon .. that you see!

7 صورة صادمة لا تريد منك آبل ، سامسونج ،جوجل ،امازون .. ان تراها !

child labor !

Nearly 17% of children in the Democratic Republic of Congo between 5 and 14 years of working here. This is one of the 200 private mine extraction of coltan in the country Ofriqi.vi what it's like slavery, many children actuation in order to extract this vital metal to sell natural Kkham important for the manufacture of modern devices such as phones and tablets and other .altknulogia has a price, in which case the price is dreams and innocence of childhood to the Congolese.

Clutter your requests

Maybe you bought one of the products on the Internet, and noted Execution speed of your order. But are days I wondered how it's done! Yes, my friend while you are clicking on the purchase button and you are sitting in a comfortable chair in your office, there are employees not helpless working under unbearable pressure to implement your application there in the Amazon or in any electronic shop last .. Of course, this suffering increases in -day events and holidays. This matter create controversy recently for large-company giant Amazon has been accused of mistreating its employees.


The pressure of work in a company like Amazon or Apple could be much less than that experienced by staff and employees working in such companies in the third world, or in countries such as China. This is the case in Taiwan's Foxconn company, which made headlines for years through the problem of suicide measure employed in this company, dozens of workers commit suicide every year in the headquarters of its work, although the company tried to end the problem put nets for windows huts staff, but Bagger does not exceed $ 17 days and 70-hour work week makes suicide is the way to escape in front of these poor!

Alakatronyat Cemetery

In the last year has been to get rid of 41.8 million tons of e-waste, of course, this scrap non-usable being sent to Africa, in places like Agbogbloshie, which is located in the largest city in Ghana, where are grouped this waste is made up of the remnants of computers, devices home and all kinds of other devices and be burned without control, causing a very serious environmental damage. At the same time you will find there are many young people who hovering around these graves in search of scrap salable risking Besanm for a couple of a few cents will not protect them from hunger, while large companies enjoy in the billions of dollars!

Toxic largest lake in the world

From Africa we are heading east to the country of a billion and a half, where lies the largest toxic lake in the world, in the city of Baotou in the People's Republic of China. These pipes passel of toxic substances as a result of rare metals mining, a group of chemicals used in electronic components and screens of smart phones manufacturing.

White gold

 If this Chinese city are suffering today, the next natural region is that Stdharr of technology is the area in Chile, Bolivia and Argentina triangle. There are more than 50% of the world's reserves of lithium in the salt flats that have already become real white gold mines which is in danger as a result of other Alhish.mrh ecosystem of technology is going to be threatening the global workers rights and the environment.

Technology not only to create jobs

Technology is evolving world of course, so a group of companies which were to one day soon successful and giant today is finished, so when you finish the life cycle of these companies again come innovative replace them, this unstable position may destroy the city's economy, or even an entire country. That's what happened with Canada ft Blackberry or Nokia in Finland. The crisis of the Finnish company, now owned by Microsoft Corp., which has led to the demobilization of nearly 20,000 workers from all over the world. In the photo, a group of demonstrators protesting against the possible closure of the Nokia Foundation in Brazil.

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