
How is the penetration of bank accounts with ease and how to protect yourself

Many of us believed that the theft of bank accounts and credit cards are is difficult but it is now quite easy after the emergence of so-called "spam" .ltaraf how to protect yourself and how Icomo hackers or spammers hacked bank accounts and credit cards continued ..'ll show you in this post everything about spam and how to protect it.
كيف يتم اختراق الحسابات البنكية بكل سهولة وكيف تحمي نفسك

* The subject for the purpose of learning and protection only *

What is spam:
Spam messages known as nagging or fraudulent messages based Sbamr send these messages to some people .. show this message as sent from the official website or official company .. For example, this picture of a fraudulent message to steal PayPal account information

As we see in this letter
Sender Name: PayPal Security
Sender Email: PayPal@support.com
You might think that this sending sent via PayPal, but sent by a spammer ..

  To know how the Alaspamr deceiving victims -baltvesel-:
First: The Sbamr prepare five things
1- php mailer

Almiller Scripts is the Sbamr on the site for lifting sends messages through

2. site surfer strong until the lifting of Almiller it. But what is the difference if a powerful server or weak?
If the server reaches a strong message in the inbox folder. But if the server was weak up the message in the junk folder and can not get the message if the server is very weak.

3. Page forged.
The Sbamr action fake page and submit to host driven or free or even Shell shall be by Ali email

4. emails group.
The processing of emails Sbamr group in order to send them all at once.

5-text of the message.
And it is written in HTML

-If It's a complex matter will become clear in the next step

Second: After processing all the tools Sbamr
Lifting Almiller on site and preferably not raised on free hosting because it gives you the servers often are not strong and obscure Spam
However, if you sign up for the experiment in this site gives you free hosting 2freehosting.com/signup.html send a limited number after the on-site registration and activate the account via email show you this message:

Press the select

Fill the data as image and create Press

After the work of the subdomain Make reload the page to show this screen

Then press the switch will refer you to the Site Control Panel

Specify the file manager to raise Almilradguet opens you to install this window

Press the rice and upload files from your chosen Almiller

Download Almiller and lift it on the site of this show

To review Almiller
Replace the subdomain name of your subdomain, for example, I did it mohamedayman shall be mohamedayman.3eeweb.com/mailer.php

As you fill in the data for the experiment Tri
Then press send emails
To see the message

Terry also been sent the message by name and email we have set
This is what he does Sbamr puts the message in HTML designed to deceive the victims and puts him Page button forged a link or Alskamh Aadhauandma which compresses the victim on this link and fill its data is sending all the data directly to Emile Sbamr

How to protect yourself from spam:
1. Do not open messages sent in spam folder or junk
2. Make sure the link to the message if the official website link or a fake link.
3-If you got a message saying that your account by malfunction or semi .. then go to the official website and Contact Technical Support.
4. Do not send any information about your bank account to one via email.

Other uses for Miller:
Almiller is also used to steal Facebook accounts or emails or the pages of counterfeit scam

There are many kinds of spammers there are those who ask you to donate to a charity and there is a fake site designed to Shopping earns him the money without anything connected to customers
* The subject for the purpose of learning and protection only *

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