
3 ways to achieve financial freedom online

For my brother, you can achieve financial freedom now and profit of about $ 2,000 a month and without exaggeration
In this post are three ways Soharkk entitle you to earn thousands of dollars if done well applied, as you three ways together to double the income application, but I advise you to choose one of them and pour them all as long as your focus at the beginning of the road.

3 طرق لتحقيق حريتك المالية على الانترنت

So that the subject does not be long, we will enter in the heart of the matter step by step, and with the first method:

The first way: profit of Marketing for CPA Offers

This method is considered the easiest of the ways that will be listed, and their profits are very good .. and the best way for the marketing of such offers are marketing through YouTube, as the conversion ratio of videos for Offers Date or collect emails are too high are free for the recipient. And that mastered this way and I was able to convince the recipient the offer provided in your video will achieve very significant profits, especially that there are offers of up to about $ 200 for registration per ..ogel reputation is true, and that provided many of the sites in this area and that will be mentioned later .

We now come to the stage of the application:

The first thing: Try to choose the offers that received a demand by the users and at the same time the yield them high, do not be deceived by the high value of some of the presentations sometimes be a demand for them is almost nonexistent, and also do not choose the same profit weak Offers whatever the demand for them is high, the time which Stadhaah with these circumstances offers to earn $ 100 from 15 people come by, it will be better for you if invested in the show earns between $ 50-100 to score one, what if I was able to bring 15 people to such offers, you can imagine the profits that you gain time ratio .

The second and the most important thing: "video content" preferably video contains people speak himself from the display and this method is the most influential on the receiver, and this does not mean that the use of images with speech does not help, but can also rely on the quality of the videos, but the The latter are less effective than its predecessor .. At this stage there are those who can not appear in the video or speak it fluently because of poor English, so I advise you to buy service from mini-sites as a service Fiverr, and this also applies to persons who do not have a sense of marketing Although ownership of the language, in the site selection and marketing in their business in a very professional ..

In the third phase: After processing the video catalog, it's time to raise it on YouTube, and here we will begin to strengthen Dakhia video, and as the first step in this phase, we will have a catchy title for the video.

The nature of the title: it is better that the address contains a motivating phrases (such as: Get for Free, Register with us to get,) and other phrases that Sense Received it will get added value, depending on the offer to be submitted to him.

Nature Description: The first line in the video description must contain the address exactly as it is written, and place the bottom of referral for your viewing link, and then add the information on the display (you can write what has been mentioned in the full video) with providing motivational gifts, if any. Remember then type the words on the video display and provided, nor write beyond words about the content of the video you are trying to gain more visitors, on the contrary, so will decrease the value of the video and even ranked in their respective fields. And of course with the addition of video address within Tagged.

And the last thing in the description you add the source, who you'll find at the bottom of the video image lifting link .. should be working on this form (see picture):

After that, you have to choose an attractive image for the video, and preferably to someone speak, for this advised by buying video service to someone talking about the show, because the image of people in the video have a significant impact on the search results, but if not the person speaking in the video do not Photos put anyone because this will impact negatively on the video. You can put any other image of an attractive, with a focus on high quality of the image, we have a role also in improving your video rank in the search results.
 After you carry out all of these steps have not left you only need to click on the publishing button, then we have finished this stage.

And now we move to the fourth stage: the video and is strengthening its marketing and externally
The first step in this phase is to add video to Google rapid archiving and through the following link Add url

Add the video link and writing symbols in the picture and then press the Submit Request.
Then went to this site "pingomatic.com" then place the video address in the first column, the video link in the second column, the third Vatrkha box is empty, and then checking the services in the picture, then press Send Pings.

And now and after the submission of the various video services, video becomes appear in search engines when searching by video link, and that means you have completed the archiving stage.

Now we will move to the stage of marketing, and all you have to do is add some video evidence Bok Markiynj in the appropriate section with the addition of Tagged on video. And this list of some of the evidence you can add to your video directly after the registration:

After that sign up at the site of diigo, then the registry, then clicking on the Add Bookmark

Then add your video link, then you will pop up a window as dictated in the picture, then press the Add New Bookmark

And then the same thing on the site Stumbleupon.
And of course in addition to all this, the deployment of video on the social networking sites and Ktoatr Google Plus and Facebook, and I advise you to focus more on target groups in Google Plus from here and also in Facebook from here

 It should not be neglected as YouTube, through to comment on the videos that are interested in the same area of ​​your offer and comment on them with the addition of your video link only occasionally in order to not be considered spam.
And to strengthen your video more and raise the proportion of Views, you can publish it on site Pinterest, tumblr, linkedin

This will work if you are a free way .. But if you want a quick profit trend to advertising services paid advertisements Facebook and Google Ads Edwards, and will no doubt be paid permanent roads be more effective and faster profit from free roads. Here, the choice is yours and remains the material of your capabilities.

For sites that can be marketed, this is the best:
Commission Junction
Hassob (by good profit, but do not compare predecessors)

The second way: profit from the marketing of products across YouTube

This method is one of the best ways that achieve good profits, but they are the most difficult among them, because you are here will not bring a consumer to score in the site or put Aamih like what we talked to him in the previous method, but you need to greater skill in persuading the recipient to buy, but I will explain to you now How a way that demonstrated the effect applied, and the most important thing she keeps engage in fierce competition with professional marketers. Instead you go to sites marketing and choose a product of marketing him - and so I can assure you that you will be unable to compete with professional marketers for you to still at the beginning of the road - but It will work on products not yet presented in these sites .. and has thus reduced the list of marketers competitors you.
How is that.? First then follow up these sites: JVnotify and MunchEye ..
These two locations each product owner put his product out there with all the information (product, price, named after the name of profits, the launch date), and you you have to choose the products you see with a reasonable percentage of the profits, which will be launched after a week or two at most. And the most important factor in your choice of the product is "sales page", try to choose a product that has a page selling professional and able to attract visitors to buy ..
Where you'll find sales pages?
For the site JVnotify:

For the site MunchEye: to see the full information of the product apply pressure to it from the home page to take you to a page like this:

With regard to link your referral .. All you have to do to get it is to go to a page of sale and is a private Palmsoukan only, so you will find out all the information on the product to be used in your video, and also you will find almost link on this form (just an example ): www.XXXXX.clickbank.com
And asks you to change your name in XXXXX Click Bank, for example, .. and so you get your referral link ..

Note: Not all presentations are available on the referral link .. In some of them ask you to put your e-mail is sent to the referral link him directly at the product launch. And there are other offers where you have to wait for the seller to your marketing approval for its product. Here we are waiting for approval from it before the beginning of the marketing order not to waste your time and your effort dam.

And now and after the selection of the product we will move to the stage of processing video catalog, and this stage such as the counterpart of the first method, but there is slight changes in the video information and are as follows:
Video Title: must contain the product name + one of these words (Review, Bonus, or something similar)
Video description: will be same as the steps in the first way, with the use of the following Tags:
Product Review
Product Bonus
Product Review + Bonus
Product Testimonial
Product Discount
(With the word Product Product name change)

After that, apply all the steps mentioned in the first way ..

As for this method .. The product is well-studied and found it highly motivated marketers - it means that the product gets good sales - was in as you can buy the product I advise you to do so. This Semezk among other marketers, where you place information in your video is not one known only from the purchase of the product, so customers will prefer your offer, among other offers, because you gave them added value. Thus, you'll get at least 10 times the amount that you uncommitted ..

As for the sites that you can marketing of its products, this is the best:

The third and final way: profit from the marketing of products and offers and also Adsense

This method is also considered to be among the best ways to profit from the Internet, and what distinguishes it is the profit continuous, that is, you will start to collect money in the short and long term. In this way we will rely on the establishment of site and marketing through it for presentations and products as well as we can put ads Adsense to increase Sources of income . But what the nature of the site that Snncih? And what its scope?

The first stage is the selection of the market:
At this stage, the market will select who will work where and who will be the content of your site, and I mean the market sub-section in the area of ​​your choice .. In our example we will apply the explanation in the field of Health (Health).
Health: is a general section, and within which there are many sub-sections.
Weight loss: is a sub-sections in this area.
And therefore we will choose Weight loss is a market which we will work on it.

In the second stage you should look for the main keyword of course that will be part of the market you have chosen and which will be the main content of your site. How will you do it? You can rely on Google Keyword Planner tool Fi.
First try to guess keywords be within your field and the ratio of medium to high search with weak competition.
All you need is access to this link here
Then click on the first option, as in the image:

Then place your key in the first column and click on the "get ideas"

Thus, the tool will give you all the information about these circumstances the floor, in addition to some near your key ideas (see picture):

And then type the keywords that Khmntha one after the other, to know Statistics for each one. Then tried to pick the best keywords that will work in your site to shrink the list to four or six words at most.
In our example, we find, for example:

quickest way to lose weight
fastest way to lose weight
how to reduce weight
how to lose weight quickly

These are among the best keywords in this area with a weak competition and a good proportion search ..
After you guess good keywords, select the best one among those key words to make it the main floor of the site.
In our example we would choose "Fastest way to lose weight" because it is a good monthly search rate and the rate Click high compared with the rest of the words, and medium competition .. and therefore I shall rely on these circumstances the word.
These are the criteria that you follow to your choice of the word tagged with the main site and sub-words that we will try to reach the first rank in Google when you search for words these circumstances.

Now in the third and fun: We'll reserve domain and hosting of the site.
The Domaine's impact on the site, it contributes significantly to raise your results in the search engines, and also gives the professional the site and shown remarkable to visitors and gain their trust, unlike free sites which, if we add its products it is difficult to get any sales, even if he wanted Visiting the purchase of your site will feel like venturing domain paid his money. Therefore the advantage that Semezk for others and earns the confidence of your site visitors. And the Best Domain booking service is offering you Jodadi, so that cost up to $ 9.99 per year, but you can book for only $ 1.17 via this link.

And do not forget to choose the distinguished name of your domain, where the domain has to do with who will work in it, and you can also book the domain name of your main key, this should catch many in presenting the results of your site in the search engines when searching for that word.

As for the hosting, that you will work on the Blogger platform, you are exempt from reserve hosting, because you'll get a free hosting of the giant Google, and if not that is your choice, it can be hosting a reservation through the same company, and the price varies depending on the needs of your site and Hosting which features Stakhtarha, and brings with Free Domain.

We have thus finished the foundation on which we will build upon our ..

Then move on to the fourth stage: content writing.

"The content is the king" content is king, because it is the capital of each site on the Internet.
It is obvious that the content is the capital of each site, because any site without content is nothing, so too are the sites that rely on transport from other sites, so you have to concentrate very well at this stage to write exclusive content and high-quality, and benefit the visitor and give him added value, so that earns the confidence of your site visitor this makes him a reference to him, and this is due to him repeatedly and over again, and the most important thing is continuity, always tried to provide for the new visitor, renewed The content also has an impact on the search engines. And try to adhere to this rule "is presented to the visitor is looking for, not what you want to provide."
And, of course, and will undoubtedly be the exclusive content significantly helps issued in your search results, something that will contribute to raise the proportion of targeted visitors constantly.

And now in the fifth and final stage: We will work to create the site for search engines and strengthened internally and externally.

First, strengthening the site internally:
The first step will be the BB is to add "meta tag" for your website (you can download from here), after downloaded, place it down the symbol "<head>" directly, where these codes are working on the definition and scope of your site for search engines. Then tried to headliners and other subsidiary included in your posts (H1, H2). And the most important step you must do is to involve your words sub and keyword tagged that compete with them in your posts as normal so as not to affect the content of the sentence, and does not Bhacrha in content with the thinness of expression, but the quality of your subject and you will use the keyword spontaneously, because the site It spins around in origin. In addition, try to connect your threads to each other properly, so that stimulates the visitor to move from topic to another within your site and of course this will increase the lifespan at the site, which gives a positive image to the search engines about your site and thereby raising its results.

Second, strengthening external site:
At this stage you have to adopt a high-quality external links pointing to your site (PAC Linux), and the exact locations in the same area of ​​your site, and you can also rely on the evidence of sites in the building Allback Linux by adding your site in the appropriate section, and also prefers to open accounts in large sites as locations pictures and forums and add your site to your profile and to your signature in forums (provided that put articles in the area of ​​your site) and you can also rely on the sites that we talked about in this post is the first to build a Pac-Link high-quality.
And personally do not like the concept of building Allback Linux, because if your site useful and high-quality content and worth getting Pac-Link, it will the owners of other sites in your field by pointing to your site, and therefore you get Pac-Link high-quality without interference from you, in addition to visitors targeted. So I asked you to concentrate very well in the process of writing content ..

Important note: Do not try to build the largest number of Linux puck in the day, then this will affect negatively on your site, and may be punished in any moment of the search engines. Therefore, preferably only the construction of Pak-Link in one day was given an overall rating in the first week, Valohmah not Allback for a number of Linux but their quality.

Now and after your application for each these circumstances stages, and after a full month of the date of building your site, you'll find that the results began to appear in the first centers that were not the first in the search engines when searching for your key that compete with them, and your site will start to get targeted visitors grandfather from search engines, then you can go to reap the fruits stage after the effort made throughout the month, and that by placing ads AdSense on the site, and also the development of products that are in the same specialty your site, but these products you have to put it in a place dedicated her and attracts visitor , and the best place is to put its own section next to the site sections, and toxicity, for example, "our recommended products" .. and then put Announcement 300x250 attractive on the side of the site takes the visitor to the Department of products. And of course you should always provide free and useful topics for your visitors, then you will notice their interaction with the threads these circumstances, the thing that will push them to experience Products which advises them, as long as they have benefited from your posts and your tips Fi.

That's all I was able to address it, and I hope to be thrown Asthsankm, and I wish you to work these experiments and Ttbakoha, and, God willing, will bring you to Mbtagakm is to achieve the financial and your freedom.
If you have any questions, just put it in the comments box and Sojepkm at the earliest opportunity, God willing, "we meet in the comments ^ _ ^"

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