
Visit this site is necessary before watching any movie | Very important

Often we would like to see some of the movies alone or accompanied by our parents or our friends, but the problem lies in the possibility of the existence of the footage and pornographic scenes in the film, the thing that Saardna embarrassment in front of the parents, and if you are addicted to movies then surely that one day you encounter did was footage indecent, for today I will give you a solution that will save you from it.

قبل مشاهدة أي فلم، لا تنسى زيارة هذا الموقع | مهم جدا

The online world includes many of the sites that provide you with information about films, for example, recall, Sense Media, Kids In Mind, and CringeMDb, but the disadvantage of HTH sites are not annexed information about each film, and this is not a problem, especially with the presence of a huge site as , 'IMDB'.
IMDB site or the Internet Movie DataBase is a comprehensive site includes information about each film in addition to alert you that you want to watch the film includes scenes of a pornographic or not. How to use the site is simple as all you have to do is to enter it and write the name of the movie and then went towards the "More" and click on the "Parents Guide":

قبل مشاهدة أي فلم، لا تنسى زيارة هذا الموقع | مهم جدا

To show you an exhaustive list of components on the film and is doing footage sex, violence, drugs, alcohol ... etc as shown in the picture:

As noted by me Vafilm who searched for him is free from sexual passages "No Nudity Or Sex Scenes", and this is the most important compared with the rest of the other sections.
I wish from the bottom of the heart to be the explanation you enjoyed it and benefited from it, and do not forget to leave your opinion about the site, and I hope to be involved as well as the location with your friends :)

Website URL: IMDB

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