
Learn the top 10 breakthrough operations terrified the world!

If you think that the security of the world and that there are things that no one can penetrate, then you are wrong, all we're dealing with today's cars, phones, computers, removable breakthrough, but more than that there are some things that can cause damage and leave behind victims do not longer and countless, here, then one more 10 penetration operations terrified the world.

1. penetrate the Office of the United States:

A group of hackers managed to access to the Office of the United States and access to all information regarding the staff, the thing that led to serious damage.

2. Breakthrough Jeep Cherokee:

We can describe this process Baloqoy Due to enable hackers to access the loophole private Uconnect drive, which is considered the heart of the car due to his duties manifested in Allowaavaa pick up signals, making calls ... etc

3. breakthrough billion Android device:

Could hackers access to run any phone without the need for the name of a user's system, where they could wounding about a billion users, and through one of the gaps that have been discovered by security company Zimperium.

4. breakthrough medical pumps:

Pirates managed to reach one of the most important medical pumps that help to supply the patient with medicine automatically, which prompted the International Commission for lunch to warn against the use of computerized devices in the medical field.

5. revealed Firefox for the largest gaps in their programs:

Firefox company in August revealed the existence of some gaps that enable access to computers without the need to know the user's name, without mention of the details of Gul's how this works.

6. Vulnerability in Mac Os 10:

Despite the strength of Apple in the field of protection that it was not without some loopholes that allow malicious applications installed on the computer, called the gap "DYLD" and have been processed.

7. open car locks:

A hacker was able to get control of any car and the ability to open and closed with simple tools and so did not exceed US $ 30 Powers.

8. control of the car brakes:

A team of researchers was able to reach a way to enable them to control the car brakes and through you know some of the weaknesses in the USB device thing that push companies to disable certain features for protection and intrusion prevention.

9. penetration images of millions of children:

Pirates broke a Chinese gaming companies the thing that led to the injury of more than 6 million account for children, regardless of the parents' accounts of more than 5 million account. And it has been getting sensitive personal information private victims.

10. breakthrough gas pumps:

The researchers noted a significant leak in the gas stations, and stressed that this was caused by a hacker, where the United States stations more targeted, and it is possible that this is caused by the explosion.

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