
Technology ... look to the future

Today's technology is an integral part of a person's life in particular, and society in general, it is also a measure of the development of countries on the world map. In the hour of this, exceeds the number of Internet users of the 3 billion 1 Used as a number confirm the extent of the integration of the world in the world of Altknulogia.ama we talked about what the most widely used technology for the time being, the talk certainly drag us to the Web, smart phones, and more personalized social networks Altisthlk us the majority of our time. But what the future holds will certainly be more surprising ...

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T-Cali major companies are working today to make users more Atsaal than ever in what was what, and to be able to achieve this, the ten to fifteen years is coming Bno.ah not seen in the universe after. Without extension, to review what the future by returning.

If you can not live a day without your smartphone, or from non-communicating with friends across networks, you must prepare yourself because you are within just a few years will become connected from every part of the body, So what is known of the devices worn Owalkablh Artdae.hath
Technology, which means a definition to be Alrtdae extinguisher, containing ultra-sensitive sensory organs and can bio-sensor for vehicle body humanitarian Oojma scattered information as the number of steps performed by the individual, the number of human heart beat, number of hours of sleep per capita or even directing the individual in any place to walk him to get to the finish.

Let's take a closer look on what devices these circumstances, in practice these devices vary according to Almntqhaljsudaih which wear out, you, the most important of our time accompanied by examples of devices today:

Smart Glasses: The Google in 2012 introduced the idea of Google glasses, the idea of everyone thought they would be transferred to the world of technology after another,
Definition of smart glasses is a device worn on the eye and offers a fake screen for the user, which can be controlled via voice, for the movement commands on the Internet to a database for processing and then send the results. Google project did not live up to expectations, which led to the rise of shares of glasses hollow giant Microsoft product, and with the descent of the day Kortana with Windows operating systems, the future promises much.

Smart Hours: like any other hour worn on the hand, but what sets it apart is that it is equipped with operating system along the lines of Aolndroed or any OS. Bathrooms time a lot of services from telecommunications and read Aahlmyl to games and applications can Work on a small area Acommsong .ojhzh not received much acclaim, at a time when Apple knew some of the problems with Apple and H.

League of hand: ranging from those with a sporty or that collects medical information. As the role of the sports package, it collects information about the distance made by the user, the number of pace, calories consumed by the body as it follows up on a diet of individuals, all that and more variety of medical .alhzmh mismatch measure heart rate through the sensor is placed in the finger, there are those who are after hours of sleep, and other information that may be useful to know the evolution of the health status of the human being .alokther fame today is Microsoft's Band, which provides

It is worth pointing to the existence of other devices like Alhveh that allows the user guide, as well as dresses which convert energy gained from the ocean to the other devices to automatically re-shipped.

The future of this technology is subject to be submitted, including major corporations, and if you ask for problems encountered in the development of these devices Fbalosas we have the problem of transfer of information, these devices operate across sensors transferring information obtained to phones or directly to the Internet , however, accepted by the transport tools Kalplotot and Wi-Fi are no longer effective because of the energy consumed with their small size, which is .taqh are also a serious problem because these hardware requirements give a large area and therefore the battery or energy source is another problem, and there is a tendency for the exploitation of the ocean and renewable energies to recharge devices.

Technology will not stand there, there is another way and take mounts significantly, but it is the Internet of Things, imagine for a moment that everything that goes on around you is connected to you .oulmama our imagination vivid examples of the reality of today.

Smart home: something we see every day in movies, but in the developed countries has become the fact that it is no longer elusive, today you can turn off or
Ignite any lamp using a smartphone or even a sound, close the doors, windows, faucets Algazukma .alammer than to the possibility of implementing Aalawamr remotely using the Internet Yes, it's the Internet of Things.

Smart City: We talked about a smart home, which no longer a dream today, so why do not we talk about Smart City .altsamam which the newly still talking about the city where every thing is connected, parking You can reserve your place before it reaches up, follow-up communications, which gives you the exact conditions of transportation, and many of the events that have puzzled to hear it, anyway Baagabh future sponsor.

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