
Muslim Face "Muslimface" ... the first social networking site Islamist character

Muslim office is the site continues to social Islamist, could be called as well as Balvaaspock in the Islamic version because of the great similarity between the two, was founded by the pioneers of the work of Muslims residing in Britain, namely: "Sahib Fadi" and "the departure of Secretary" where they decided to be the last Ramadan officially as the date for opening site who scored the same as the first Islamic social communication site, the announcement of the opening ago, has been tested by 1,000 users to be then the announcement of the opening. Currently it becomes the site includes a good number of users, including prominent Muslim figures.

مسلم فيس "Muslimface" ... أول موقع تواصل إجتماعي بطابع اسلامي

Muslim office is easy to deal with, as mentioned above it is similar, but the Muslim Balvaaspock office is characterized by new additions that distinguish it from Facebook Stdfkm to create your account in it, remind later.

Create an account in a Muslim office requires only access to the site muslimface.com link and then fill in the cells found in the program interface which is similar to those found in Facebook.

And during the recording may note the existence of a new box for the ones that we're used to in the social networking and are those that ask us to write the religion that we profess, after registration sites will reach a message to confirm the account and is also an easy step may have got used to like her

And during the recording may note the existence of a new box for the ones that we're used to in the social networking and are those that ask us to write the religion that we profess, after registration sites will reach a message to confirm the account and is also an easy step may have got used to like her

After activation any pressure on the attachment link in the message is to show this page and make sure that Tfellna account:

Now after account creation and activation log on to the site to learn about the features and characteristics of the amazing

This is the interface Location:

As previously it reported that Muslim Face is characterized by a number of amazing properties, Nzkrbedha:

1_khasih your prayers:

It is a very wonderful property they show you the five daily prayers Rkaaadtha number and timing depending on your area and perhaps even alarm for prayers

2_ Gregorian calendar and AH property: you can follow the Hijri and Gregorian

3_ Radio Service: enables you to listen to any radio station in the world in addition to the voice of the Koran reciters elite of distinguished and Islamic songs

4_ Bataiq property: where the site provides you with many religious Bataiq and greeting cards and Christmas ... to share with your friends and loved ones

5_ Service Position: To search for a job

6_ releases feature: for advertisements and newsletters

These were among the many wonderful features offered by the site for its users As Tlahoudon that some of these properties will not be found in other locations in addition to the site is available in several languages as:

(Arabah_alangelazah_afrencah ...), Muslim office may also be a solution to the constraints faced by Muslims in other social networking sites, especially child pornography, including those attending even in the month of Ramadan, which drives some of us to refrain from these sites.

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January 8, 2019 at 5:10 AM حذف

شركة مكافحة حشرات بسيهات
نقوم في شركتنا بمكافحة جميع انواع الحشرات والقوارض والتخلص منها بشكل دائم دون عودة إلى المكان مرة اخري. اعزائي شركتنا شركة مكافحة حشرات بسيهات تمتلك جميع المميزات التي تجعلها ان تكون خيارك الاول من اجل مكافحة الحشرات لديك فهي لديها افضل الايدي العاملة الماهرة وتمتلك افضل المعدات والاجهزة الخاصة بعمليات بمكافحة الحشرات وايضا افضل المبيدات الحشرية المستوردة من الخارج ولايكون لها اي ضرر علي الانسان او البيئة اطلاقا ، اعزائي علي سبيل المثال الفئران من الصعب القضاء عليها بالطرق التقليدية ولكن مع الاجهزة التي تمتلكها سوف يتم القضاء عليها سريعا، هذه الاجهزة مسألة عن اصدار موجات كهرومغناطيسية تهاجم الجهاز العصبي لتلك الفئران وتئدي الي موتها
