
Moxie Marlinspike: king of encryption and protection, who beat the National Security Agency and the FBI and made them scratching their heads !!

Become a spy by the State and Government of the things that frighten users of the means of technological tools of modern, especially after the agency US national security spy scandal sparked by Edward Snowden in June 2013.bad this scandal has become imperative for the countries and companies technical search for new ways to secure communications and users' privacy .

Moxie Marlinspike: ملك التشفير والحماية الذي تغلب على وكالة الأمن القومي و FBI وجعلهم في حيرة من امرهم

Moxie Marlinspike is among the people who Asttawa overcome the FBI, the National Security Agency, the National Security Agency of the United States, other government agencies and make them confused, after he created a high-way encryption of the talks and communication between users.

Moxie Marlinspike has developed a very simple and highly secure encryption program so they can not intercept messages exchanged through which means that even the company Her application will not be able to decipher exchanged between users encrypt messages, .eetm use of the system by more than 800 million users Watts August, application instant messaging bought by Facebook in 2014.hma type of encryption is the best yet at the level of chat services and instant communication.

What frightens security and government agencies is how this simple program to be safe and how it can be used for bad intentions for different purposes. It was Prime Minister of Britain, David Cameron, US President Barack Obama, about their concerns regarding the exchange of encrypted messages, which can facilitate a secure connection between the terrorists.

Moxie Marlinspike has considerable experience in the field of encryption and protection, he is a security researcher served as President of the Security and Protection team in the company and his own Twitter messages called "Signal" application, which uses a protection system used in the same application WhatsApp.

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