
How to bring visitors to your blog Blogger

 The first thing a blogger novice in the field of blogging thinking after the establishment of the Code is to bring   visitors to the blog, in fact, we all have some free dreamed that a large number of visitors to our site in general, and our Blog blogger in particular. But let me offer you some tips from my experience in blogging, although it is not by a long (since 2008) and I hope to critically examine the well so you can realize your dream.Let's agree on a certain something which is about the content, the latter, which is the engine spring to your site can not be my friend that reflect on visitors and you still 'on the door of God' means forums for Ataatovr on the many and varied topics, I assume that you have somehow illegitimate to bring visitors and already a day The first 1,000 people visited the forums and ultimately your siteBut it does not contain an article or two articles Do you think that this visitor will appreciate your site and will want to refer to it? Nature is not the case. The first thing you have to think of visitors is a must km forums threads that are available as well as the extent of their diversity. But the line on the word "but" when we talk about how much we are talking threads as well as for quality threads and forums over the possibility of stretching to a visitor. If Alzaiz visited the forums and found Rveih bad threads or topics movable will not be interested and will not present the visitor wants to resume back to your blog, you should also Taattrah important question what is new that comes by my blog? Vajapetk to this question is important because it is planning forums path but it forums project in itself.As Atjal of forums chambers of topics movable but Mark as factories intellectual creations, and this does not mean that the transfer of threads is forbidden, but is disliked is only so do not try a lot of transport and pasting.As well as the important point is the source said, Vamdoonh to remember the source of its news transmitted literally considered these circumstances Blog is a professional and let me tell you a little on the mean Mma code of professionalDear friend that the first character makes the visitor becomes in to track site is the extent of professional forums any that professionalization of which impart on your blog in terms of form and content, for Amadomn I think that it's talked about in advance, go back to the figure marked a forums necessary to be a form of professionally I do not mean a professional to be the template is not free, although he is lovable but you can choose a template be simple and at the same beautiful time in order to Ayarql Browse visiting forums and Atkther of showiness Imagine forums as Arocetk I do not think you'll want the bride in the whole makeup and colors as much as Masthabha if the colors light and comfortable to them This is how are Mdnotk well and no shame to learn from other sites and check in with me Tsamimitha Note Facebook site how much is simple in stripes and in shape as well.Go back to the additions to the Code of Atkther additions and codes, this negatively affects the speed of browsing forums and Google will not like and will not visit forums on an ongoing basis which will contribute negatively to archive your posts. And ordered archive threads is essential in bringing visitors but is an essential resource attract him Visitors Wi-high ranking in Alexia site only being able to attract visitors techniques via search engines, which can first in selecting appropriate and consistent addresses with the subject with respect to Remember Words own Banaon your subject, which is considered a key factor in winning the friendship of search engines such as (how, easier, fast ...) Vhath tag words loved the Google search engine for this to be sure your posts addresses bearing tag words.Among the factors that increase the number of visitors Modontek are social networks like Facebook and Twitter and Google Plus Vhath site you can Alastvazh of which dramatically increase the number of visitors in the forums and by creating pages or accounts and link them with the Code. As well as add a blog to the search engines like Google and Yahoo and Bing and Aturkz your interest only on the Google search engine.Do not forget as well as evidence and add your site, it will help you out in a relatively increased number of visitors, especially some evidence famous and well-knownAnd keeps me in the last Tduente to point out that attracted you to the visitor's biggest as possible to your blog earns forums Google confidence in your blog content to this do not hesitate to add topics relevant to your topic you typed, where there are some additions that can be added to your blog, which will help significantly in Dhour threads started reside in the same labels for your blog and ensure that visitor stay with the greatest amount of time possible in Blog

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