
Google, YouTube, Snapichat, Facebook .. inspirational beginnings to the largest technical projects

Google, YouTube, Snapichat, Facebook, all huge names for technology companies is almost no one in the technical center have not heard of, but do you ever think about how that technology companies began, and how it was the first step to long careers? Learn inspiring beginnings of this huge technology companies.
Google, YouTube, Snapichat, Facebook .. inspirational beginnings to the largest technical projects

جوجل، يوتيوب، سنابتشات، فيسبوك .. بدايات ملهمة لأضخم المشاريع التقنية

1. Google

When the search was in Stanford University in California search engine limited to data on servers within the university, the Taliban thought "Larry Page, Sergey Brin" from Stanford University, why not be there all the related search data in the Internet engine? The Taliban develop search algorithms even reached an end point, the Getty that the user at the time the band was followed to the university servers google.stanford.edu, even Google Inc. has been registered independent business record in 1997 and the founding of Google inc company which was based purposes cars, even were collected financing million and the transfer of the company finally in Silicon Valley in 1999.

2. YouTube

Set up a group of friends working in the PayPal company in 2005 barbecue at the home of one of them, and have logged clips of the concert. Friends wanted to share videos with each other but soon discovered that there was no position to raise and share video files online, consider three friends are, "Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim," Why do not we do this? And they have developed their site and register Youtube.com scale in February 2005, so that the company reached an agreement with Google that did not pass more than 10 years of its founding to buy YouTube amount exceeds billion dollars.

3. Facebook

The Harvard University, the work of the competition for the management of a site called Facemach, was the competition states that the most attractive among the students will carry the title of Director, he was presented the participating students Photos in the competition in Facemach site, and was among the contestants Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook now, soon the oldest Zuckerberg to penetrate the university site and get pictures students from university housing, but the university discovered this matter and condemned the university Zuckerberg several charges brought him to the expulsion end of the university, but the mosque to drop those charges later the Zukruperg founded Thefacebook in 2004, and has removed the word The after buy domain facebook.com.

4. Snapichat

I suggest Ivan Higbl in class project at Stanford University on the implementation of the idea of ​​Alsnapichat, but it was working to establish a position in the university, leaving the university at an advanced stage of them to focus on the implementation of the idea of ​​Alsnapichat. I tried both Facebook and Google to buy Alnsabchat between 2013-2014 worth between 3-4 billion dollars, but Ivan Higbl did not pay attention to these offers and work on the development of Snatchat to the peak of success arrived in 2015.

last word

That successful projects do not expect to have become "suddenly" successful; they were just ideas in the minds of not Tdvinha but worked on the implementation and continued development, we are not short of brains nor money nor possibilities in the implementation of our ideas, but only the desire to change our lives for the better, I'm working on your dream and your ambition.

Do you expect that the university was part of the success of such projects, or that they have worked so hard on themselves until they succeeded.

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