
Finally Marc confirms the arrival of "Dislike" button

أخيرا مارك يؤكد وصول زر "Dislike"

Detection site "recode" American specialist for surprise eagerly awaited for some time on the social networking site Facebook, and respect Right "Dislike" demanded by the large number of users for a long time it.

Site recode revealed just before the evening of Tuesday, September 15, quoting Executive Director of Facebook during a special event that the company is working to develop a new button Dislike opposite Lake button known and which is one of the causes of fame site, where a large number of users of the site demanded this property in the past .

And The site, quoting Mark Zuckerberg, who was speaking on the sidelines of the effectiveness of periodic "Question / Answer" in the company's headquarters, where he said in response to a question, "Today is a historic day after years of users claims, I can say that we are working on the development of Dislike button" and Mark pointed out that the new button will be dedicated to users in order to express negative feelings, especially in some sensitive subjects published on Facebook Kobar Syrian Refugees crisis, for example, but without giving more details.

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