of the advantages of keyboard shortcuts, is the shortcut you a lot of
clicks from Mufrd be carried out according to one of the commands in
various applications and programs, this course Erbg some time and
increases your productivity. Today one of the most used applications on a large scale is the
browser, so I suggest you these keyboard shortcuts that you can use it.
Ctrl + Tab
Navigate between tabs sequentiallyCtrl + [-]To Decrease font sizeSpace, Page DownIf you want quick access to the lower part of the web page ..Shift + Space, Page UpBut this shortcut He who shall versa and access to top of the pageCtrl + 1-8A shortcut to move between specific tabs
Ctrl + WSet to close the tabCtrl + Shift + NUsing this shortcut you can use Google Chrome in incognito system
Ctrl + FOpen to search for words in a Web page box.Ctrl + JOf the best shortcuts that save time to get to the Director of Administration of downloads in Google Chrome
Ctrl + TTo open a new tabCtrl + NTab to open in a new windowCtrl + L, Alt + D, F6Determine the address bar for you to start typing.Ctrl + EnterTo increase the .com to the end of any site For example, you can write th3professional and press the shortcut will be added to .com URL.Tab + website name!To activate the custom search at the site from the browser address bar