
Video: officially disclose the date of submission of the Galaxy S7

بالفيديو: الكشف رسميا عن موعد تقديم غالاكسي S7

Samsung officially revealed today the date of disclosure of new smart phone Galaxy S7 and who began his features more and more sure after the leak of a number of images, Samsung released a video this morning reveal the official date for it.

And it was a famous American blogger telling him credible and correct Tsribath "Evan Blass" was published yesterday tweet on his account on the social networking Twitter site includes two images are shown expected date that Samsung will unveil the new phone Galaxy S7, and the pictures show that it will be in 21 of the month of February, that is, on the sidelines of the exhibition MWC famous place in Barcelona, Spain.

جزءا لا يتجزأ من صورة الرابط الثابت

A few hours later came confirmation from Samsung, where the latter has developed at the expense of a promotional video on YouTube in which a new reveal this date, and is expected to begin marketing the new phone from the beginning of March.

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