
Microsoft begins testing its new project on the giant!

مايكروسوفت تبدأ التجارب على مشروعها العملاق الجديد!

At a time when the digital world companies have begun to pay their own data and the data centers of great interest especially with regard to the consumption of these centers to large amounts of energy, Microsoft proposes a new solution for the more innovative of these data.

And was the number of the digital world companies have devised especially interesting centers of their data and methods including social networking Facebook site, which has built data centers in the State of Sweden in a very cool area to take advantage of cooler weather in the cooling servers process requiring large electric power, and that under the concept of "free cooling", and is a concept adopted by other companies as well as "Yahoo" in order to reduce energy use environmental and economic reasons.

But Microsoft has launched an innovative project in this regard and bears the name of "Project Natick" and aims to create a data centers and data under the oceans and to take advantage of natural cooling feature as published by the newspaper "New York Times", which also indicated that Microsoft also plans to take advantage of the currents Peripheral Navy for production of electrical energy to supply these centers out.

ولهذا الغرض مايكروسوفت خفضت مجموعة من المعدات الخاصة تحت المحيط للانطلاق في مشروعها، ويتعلق الأمر مجموعة من Alterurbinat لتوليد الطاقة.

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