
Learn virtual currency Bitcoin

In 2007, a Japanese programmers began work on a currency Alpetkoan default under a pseudonym is "Satoshi Nakamoto" and in 2009 was the launch of the currency formally, the idea behind this coin is dispensed from the central Alstalh that issue currency and monitor their movement, and create Anonymous economy and self-sufficient. bitcoin What

تقرير جديد يكشف عن المبتكر الحقيقي لعملة بيتكوين الإلكترونية

What Alpetkoan Bitcoin?
Virtual currency are traded over the Internet using peer-to-peer protocol (P2P), and the user can be stored and traded through the program portfolio FREE Alpetkoan.

How is the production of this coin?
Possible production of this currency from anywhere in the world via a process called "mining Alpetkoan" and called on those who carried out "miners" name, the process is available to everyone and it requires time and a powerful computer, and carried out through downloading the free "mining" software and install it on your operating system, when the operation thereof, the program processes the algorithms obtained from the network composition, and after the completion of processing algorithms, the program issuing the currency composition, the network configured to increase the difficulty of algorithms based on the speed of the computer to solve.

What controls the production of this coin?
I've been writing code that currency, thus increasing the difficulty of their production over time, so production stops by the year 2140, these days are producing 25 configured around the world every 10 minutes, and are reducing this amount by half every four years until the last production of the composition of the year 2140.

How is that currency trading?
Each coin composition of the key "in encrypt" its owner particular, when it is the currency of the Free meals A convert to the user B, the software will add a key "public encryption" user B on the currency and your signed using the key "personal encryption" user A private, and thus, the user B has owned this coin and can become used.

How are transfers authentication?
Every time you convert between the two parties, this conversion is recorded on the public record in a network configured, the verification of such transfers and confirmed through computers miners who are producing this currency.

Who can do what in this currency?
The 50 thousand trading configure every day, the value of Alpetkoan market jumped from $ 50 million to $ 1.2 billion in just one year, there are more than a thousand site accepts payments using Alpetkoan, you can also be exchanged for other currencies, including the dollar and the euro and the yen.

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February 4, 2017 at 2:09 AM حذف

Good one! Thanks for information. Have a look at below tags to know more about cryptocurrency
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