
Delete this application on your smartphone and you will notice that the battery will last you for a longer period by 20%

If you suffer from the speed of the battery into force from on your smartphone Vlhassan application you can do without it for a profit of 20% of battery life, as well as to increase the efficiency of your device if the phone is Moasat weak or Almtosth.alttbaiq my father talking about most of us use it in his computer and not the application of the system does not depend on Alroot or the like.

 قم بحذف هذا التطبيق على هاتفك الذكي وستلاحظ ان البطارية تستمر معك لفترة أطول بنسبة 20٪

 Delete this application on your smartphone and you will notice that the battery will last you for a longer period by 20%

Application that we're talking about is the application of Facebook on smartphones, which show that applications responsible for the battery consumption and resources of the device significantly. According to a number of specialized sites and also for users who published their findings in the forums, this application is a simple way to increase the efficiency of your phone and the increase battery life by 20%.

According to many of the studies conducted by several sites observed NH When you delete a Facebook application on your phone, you will notice some improvements in performance and speed in addition to the battery. Of course you can still access your account on Facebook of all characteristics of the application that you provided through Google Kromoo any browser installed on your smartphone.

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