
The last video teaser for the film about the life of "Steve Jobs"

الفيديو التشويقي الأخير لفيلم حول حياة "ستيف جوبز"

The famous American "Universal Pictures" company for the film industry revealed on Thursday about the video last teaser for her new film about the life of one of the giants of the late American technology, "Steve Jobs," the founder of Apple and its successes maker, the film, which is expected to deliver a great success, especially in the media follow-up of the technology.

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And is the last movie about the life of Steve Jobs is a biography of the latter, and will be behind the output of this film work by British director "Danny Boyle" and of "Aaron Sorkin" scenario, who has written the film "The Social Network" in 2010 and who is talking about the story of the founding of the social networking site Facebook, as would be the role of the late Jobs Representative of German origin "Michael Fassbender" and will be viewers in the United States on a date with this film in movie theaters starting October 9 next.

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